5 Amazing Things About Ubuntu

Ubuntu is an open source operating system which runs open source applications. Not a typical operating system, but if your hobby is to do laptop repair and your dream job is IT support, this one will be interesting to you. It allows developers create their own software, perfect it and then distribute it for free. It comes with some fascinating capabilities including:

Dual Boot

If you are interested in using Ubuntu but remain unsure of what to expect and how the experience will be you can just try it out. Ubuntu supports dual boot. This is where the Operating System is installed in a computer alongside Windows Operating System. With dual boot you can be able to use both operating systems in alternating fashion whenever you wish. This gives new users the chance to get a feel of Ubuntu while continuing to conduct their daily tasks on Windows for the time being.

Automatic Installation

Installing applications on Ubuntu is done in packages. Any application installed that requires other applications in order to run is automatically detected by Ubuntu. The Operating System will then prompt you of the needed software which you can research for yourself or let Ubuntu download and install automatically by connecting it to the internet. The automatic download and install feature helps users get their applications running faster and conveniently.


Ubuntu allows you to start from wherever you stopped when you restart your computer. It is common for users to shut down their computers before they are completely done with whatever they are doing. In order to continue from this point all you need to do is go to System and open Preferences and then Startup Applications. Under the option tab tick the “Automatically remember running applications when logging out” This will get you ready to continue where you left off every time you restart your computer.

Hide Drives

For those who like to maintain a clean desktop without any icons present then you can do this on Ubuntu. This helps remove even mounted drive icons. Open the “Run Application” window and type gconf-editor in the dialog box and click Run. Go to Apps and then select Nautilus and then Desktop. Uncheck the “Volumes_Visible” and subsequently close the window.

Now you can enjoy a clean desktop, whenever you want to access the hidden drives look in the panel for “Places”.

Interesting Ubuntu Fact

When naming versions of Ubuntu. The name reflects the release month and year. For instance the 14.04 LTS version was released in April 2014. Every six months a new version is released. In the example the LTS part stands for long-term-support version and is the fourth release in the continuous series of releases.  

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