iPhone Liquid Damage Indicator

If you are looking to buy a used iPhone or want to trade in your older model to the iPhone dealers and get a reduced price on a current device, you will need to know how to check whether the device has any liquid damage. Since these phones have a non-removable cover, it can be quite difficult to know whether it has been submerged in water or not. Water damage can render the device useless and should therefore be easy to detect so as to ensure that no one deals in a damaged phone.  

iPhone designers thought of this and fitted a liquid contact indicator around the ear phone jack as well as the dock at the bottom of the phone. This is for all iPhone iterations before the iPhone 5. For the iPhone 5 however, the indicator is located in the Nano SIM slot. All iPhones also have a liquid damage indicator inside the cover, positioned on the SIM card slot.

To detect any liquid damage on the iPhone, you will need to take a look at the liquid damage indicator. To check the indicator, just shine a flashlight on the slot or any other port that the indicator is supposed to be. The indicator is supposed to be red or pink in phones that have sustained water damage. A magnifying glass and light can also be used to check the indicator as well.

It is however important to note that the indicator has been known to turn red or pink when exposed to high humidity. In such cases, this does not amount to water damage. A phone whose indicator changes color due to high humidity levels in the environment is still in good condition and is accepted at Apple dealer stores for trade-ins. However, where the ports have any rust the phone is not accepted for trade-in.

Water damage is usually not covered under the iPhone warranty. Any damage to be fixed would be on the user’s expense. If your phone does happen to get submerged in water, follow the instructions below for DIY (Do It Yourself) repair. This may or may not work depending on extend of the water damage.

  • Remove it from the water and switch it off. Do not try to turn it on. Remove the SIM card and wipe off all the water using a piece of dry cloth.
  • Dry the charging port and the headphones jack as well.
  • Insert the phone in a bag of raw rice. If you have silicone bags insert them in the bag of rice with the phone as well.
  • Retrieve your phone after two days and insert the SIM card. Turn on the phone and hope for the best!

If the above does not work, contact your trusted iPhone repair professional. They will repair it by disassemble the phone and dry all the inwards components using professional tools. If there are damaged chip, some work needs to be done to repair the chips in the motherboard. The repair may not work if the water damage is severe.

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