How to take fabulous photos using iPhone

IPhone is an amazing device no doubt, and clicking fabulous photos with iPhone is even more amazing. What if you knew some insider tips to stay one step ahead of your friends who also have iPhone? You will become the star photographer of your friend circle after you read and implement these tips.

The establishing shots

Establishing shot is a well-known term in the film industry. Every movie you watch will give you the snapshots of some of the well recognized places displaying wide angles. In case you are not at a popular spot, you can click a photograph alongside something that can give a sense of relation to the viewer. If you are on a vacation, you can explore new places by exploring information from the locals.

Compose a natural photo

As a professional photographer would do, take a subject and decide what exactly you want to highlight. Now, harmonize your subject with its surroundings. Do not let the clutter around your subject spoil your photograph. Just focus on a few things and hold them in a proper frame. It will be more pleasing to your audience.

Keep your iPhone steady and stable

Many people make the mistake of not keeping their iPhone stable while they click a photograph. The trick here is to stop using the digital shutter button. Yes, you can rather use Volume Up hard button on the iPhone to click a photo. You can also use earphone core for clicking a photo while holding your phone still in your hand. If nothing works, you can simply use a tripod for alignment of your iPhone and clicking steady photos.

Zoom using your feet and hands

Do not use the digital zoom in your iPhone if you need to magnify an object; it makes pixels blocky and big, wiping out the delicate and exquisite details. Just stand closer to your subject if you can, and bring your hands closer to it.

Click a picture from a lower angle

Whether you are clicking the photograph of a scenery or a person, you can just add more interest to it by shooting from a different angle. Lower perspective is the easiest way to add importance to your picture. This will also make your friend look taller in the picture. Recall how most people take pictures with the Eiffel Tower.

Use natural light

To shoot memorable pictures, it is essential to make use of natural light. If you position your subject on the opposite side of the sun and iPhone, your portrait will be shown in strong sunlight. Now, change the position and place your subject between the iPhone and the sun to click a great silhouette shot. When you click portraits in soft and warm light, it can make the picture displayed in harmonious and gentle way.

The important thing while clicking photos is to take care of your iPhone and do not drop it. It is not easy to repair iPhone screen if you break it by chance. To repair iPhone, you can bring it to us to repair.

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